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Copyright and Trademark Year in Review and Forecast for 2018: Protecting Your Company's IP Position

February 14, 2018
Arnold & Porter Webinar

With the rapidly evolving case law, it may be challenging to ensure that your company's intellectual property rights are protected. Indeed, 2017 brought many significant cases and legal developments in copyright and trademark law. This webinar discusses the implications of substantive changes to the law, and helps you prepare your company for anticipated developments in 2018. Some of the topics our experienced panel covers include:

  • Copyright: the Supreme Court's Star Athletica decision; fair use from software to digital content to Dr. Seuss; Mavrix v. LiveJournal, BMG v. Cox, and the limits of the DMCA safe harbors; resolving the application/registration circuit split, and the emerging law of copyright in the content streaming ecosystem.
  • Trademark: the Redskins and Slants trademark cases; 20th Century Fox v. Empire and the interplay of the First Amendment with trademark rights; what causes a trademark to become generic; and extraterritorial enforcement of marks.

Meet the Speakers

James S. Blackburn
Arnold & Porter