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Retailer Liability & Section 230: What Every Retailer Needs to Know About This Much-Debated Law

February 23, 2021
Arnold & Porter Webinar

Legal developments surrounding content moderation policy are moving quickly—and the issues are not just limited to disputes arising from the use of social media platforms. Increasingly, consumer product laws that govern transactions in the brick-and-mortar world are in tension with laws that govern the digital marketplace—including Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. During this webinar, Arnold & Porter professionals will explore the intersection of these important issues with a focus on the application and interpretation of Section 230, a law some describe as "the 26 words that created the Internet," and how the statute is sometimes invoked in consumer product disputes.


  • The text of Section 230 and how the law developed
  • Key case law developments interpreting the law in the context of product liability and consumer products law
  • Policy developments in Congress and the executive branch that may impact the law moving forward

Meet the Speakers

Tracy Hughes
Senior Deputy County Counsel, Los Angeles County Counsel's Office
Thomas A. Magnani
Arnold & Porter
Theresa M. House
Arnold & Porter