The First in a Critical Medical Device Issues Series
Transitional Pass-Through at 25 Years: Has it spurred innovation?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced its Medical Device Transitional Pass-Through (TPT) Payment Policy 25 years ago. Ever since, Arnold & Porter's Amanda Cassidy and John McInnes have been involved with it — both inside and outside of the agency. In their webinar, Amanda and John will discuss three key considerations and opportunities:
- Key elements of CMS Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System's (OPPS) medical device TPT policy
- Limitations of the policy, including the aspects that support or hamper innovation
- Perspective on what a new, innovative medical device payment policy might look like in the future
Amanda Cassidy, M.P.P., Senior Health Policy Advisor and former Senior Legislative Analyst in CMS'; Office of Legislation
John McInnes, M.D., J.D., Counsel and former CMS Director of the Division of Outpatient Care and Acting Director of Practitioner Services. Former CMS-CMMI Medical Director.
We invite you to join the webinar and come with questions.
Webinar Series Alert
Part II: Navigating the Tightrope: Balancing Data Use and Privacy in MedTech Innovation
Thursday, March 27
11 a.m.-noon ET