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Shannon Quoted in International Press on Biden Foreign Policy Priorities

January 28, 2021

Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., who co-leads the firm's Global Law and Public Policy practice, was recently featured in several international media outlets discussing President Biden's foreign policy priorities.

Ambassador Shannon was featured on TRT World discussing how President Biden's inauguration promises for US foreign policy signal a return to diplomacy through an alliance-based system. In a similar segment aired by France 24, he examines Biden's approach to rebuilding American diplomatic ties abroad. Shannon also looks back on the Obama-Biden relationship, as well as his own personal experience with then-Vice President Biden during his tenure as US Ambassador to Brazil. Drawing on that same experience, Shannon was also quoted in O Globo on the diplomatic relationship between the US and Brazil, noting that relations between the two countries were "off-axis" under the previous administration.

» Watch the full TRT World segment (starting at the 44:00 minute mark).

» Watch the full France 24 segment (starting at 9:00 minute mark).

» Read the full O Globo article (originally published in Portuguese).