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Sklamberg Quoted in Modern Healthcare, Bloomberg Law on FDA Policy Priorities Under Califf

November 22, 2021

Life Sciences & Healthcare Regulatory partner Howard Sklamberg was quoted in a recent article from Modern Healthcare, “Five FDA Policy Themes to Watch for Under New Leadership.” The article discusses potential policy priorities for Robert Califf, Biden’s choice for head of the US Food and Drug Administration. Sklamberg, who worked as deputy commissioner at the FDA during Califf’s first tenure, summarizes the priorities expected under the agency’s new leadership.

Sklamberg was also quoted in a related article from Bloomberg Law, “Funding Deemed Key Ingredient for Proposed FDA Disease Hubs.” Commenting on the proposed creation of disease-focused hubs within the FDA, Sklamberg cites Califf’s establishment of the Oncology Center of Excellence during his previous tenure as a sign of support for the initiative.

» Read the full Modern Healthcare article (subscription required).

» Read the full Bloomberg Law article (subscription required).