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Israel Quoted in Compliance Week on the SEC’s Proposed Climate-Related Disclosure Rule

March 24, 2022

Environmental partner Brian Israel, who chairs the firm’s Environmental practice, was quoted in a recent Compliance Week article about the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s climate-related disclosure rule. The article looks at how public companies should try to prepare for the rule, if it is made final. The rule would require all companies to perform a self-examination of their environmental impact and reward those that have already been doing so.

In the article, Israel notes that larger companies have been expecting this day to come, while others are playing catch up.

“In some ways, we’re just catching up to what some companies, countries, and even states are already requiring,” Israel said. “I think large companies have been prepping for this day for a while,” he said.

See Arnold & Porter’s related blog post on the SEC proposed rule here.