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Vibbert Quoted in LegalTech News on Data Collection Transparency

October 27, 2022

Jami Vibbert, chair of the Privacy, Cybersecurity & Data Strategy practice, was featured in the LegalTech News article “3 Best Practices to Ethically—and Legally—Collect Data.” The story includes key takeaways from a recent panel in which Vibbert participated, “Ethical Data Leveraging: From Collection to Analytics, Examining the Complexities of Data Ethics.”

During the panel, which was part of the Women, Influence & Power in Law 2022 conference, Vibbert discussed the importance of transparency in companies’ data collection practices, stating, “If you have a well-drafted [privacy] notice … it is both ethical and risk-reducing,” and that “we should be providing that even if we’re in a gray area. … Even if there are gaps in what is required.”

» Read the Full Article (subscription required).