SEC Historical Society Names Hawke to Board of Trustees
The Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society has named Securities Enforcement & Litigation partner Daniel M. Hawke to its Board of Trustees. Hawke has been named to Board’s Class of 2024, which will help govern the organization in its mission to preserve the historical significance of the SEC.
Founded in 1999, the SEC Historical Society shares, preserves, and advances knowledge of the history of financial regulation. It is a registered non-profit and independent organization that maintains a virtual museum and archive of the SEC. The virtual museum and archive share the history of financial regulation, providing access to unique primary materials including white papers, transcripts, oral histories from enforcement professionals, and reports on the creation and growth of the regulation of capital markets. Hawke has long been involved in Historical Society projects including the dedication of the James Landis Bust to the SEC, the “Boesky Day” roundtable, the Roundtable on Enforcement, and the oral history of Justin Feldman. He is the author of “A Brief History of the SEC’s Enforcement Program 1934-1981,” which has served as a reference point in the organization’s archive on the early history of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement.
As a former chief of the SEC Division of Enforcement's Market Abuse Unit from 2010 to 2015 and Director of the SEC's Philadelphia Regional office from 2006 to 2014, Hawke contributes his experience at the SEC and knowledge of SEC history to the SEC Historical Society’s goals. During Hawke’s sixteen years of service at the SEC in various roles, he supervised numerous significant enforcement actions; led development of innovative trading surveillance technology and methodology; created the Market Abuse Unit’s Analysis and Detection Center to identify potential violations of the federal securities laws; and oversaw the SEC’s enforcement and examination programs in the Mid-Atlantic region.