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Arnold & Porter to Receive Exceptional Service Award from ABA Death Penalty Representation Project

July 22, 2024

Arnold & Porter is proud to announce that the firm has been selected to receive the American Bar Association (ABA) Death Penalty Representation Project’s 2024 Exceptional Service Award for its “longstanding commitment to representing death-sentenced prisoners, often in the face of overwhelming odds” and making a “lasting impact on the lives of [its] pro bono clients and on public awareness of issues in the death penalty system."

Since capital punishment returned to the U.S. in the late 1970s, Arnold & Porter has advocated on behalf of death-sentenced prisoners in numerous cases, including six recently resolved or ongoing matters. The firm's work includes challenging inhumane methods of execution, among the many other complex legal issues involved in death penalty cases.

The award will be presented on September 12 at the ABA Death Penalty Representation Project's annual dinner in Washington, D.C.

Learn more about the ABA Death Penalty Representation Project here.