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Section 337 Investigations

In a global market, with technology and other consumer products increasingly imported into the United States, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has become an important forum for the resolution of intellectual property disputes, especially patent infringement. Arnold & Porter offers clients the distinct advantage of a skilled team recognized for its experience and expertise in Section 337 litigation before the ITC. With the fast pace, special procedures, and powerful remedies in Section 337 cases, our clients depend on our insight into the ITC's procedures, administrative law judges, and staff to best protect their interests. We have acted as lead counsel in multiple ITC trials for both accused infringers and patent holders, and have successfully resolved dozens of cases before trial.

  • Technical Expertise: With advanced degrees in science and engineering, our litigators excel at distilling complex technical issues and making them understandable and compelling in the context of motions, Markman hearings, summary determination, trial, post-trial briefing, and appeal.

  • Experience Across Diverse Industries: Expensive experience litigating in numerous fields, including pharmaceuticals, biotech, chemicals, medical devices, consumer electronics, wireless technologies, telecommunications, IT, computers, fiber optic and communications equipment, the Internet and cloud-based applications, semiconductors, software, and design patents.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Our deep experience on both sides of unfair-import investigations — and the underlying IP (utility and design patents, registered and common law trademarks, copyright, etc.) as well as antitrust/competition issues, leads to better remedies for our clients.

Key Contacts

David A. Caine
David A. Caine
Silicon Valley
+1 650.319.4710
Philip W. Marsh
Philip W. Marsh
Silicon Valley;
Washington, D.C.
+1 650.319.4733 +1 202.942.5889
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