The Boston Globe Speaks With Raqiyyah Pippins on FTC Consumer Protection Regulation Under New Administration
Raqiyyah Pippins, co-lead of the firm’s Consumer Products Practice Group and the Consumer Products & Retail Industry Team, was quoted in The Boston Globe article, “Biden cracked down on ‘junk fees’ and hard-to-cancel memberships. Will Trump bring them back?”
Pippins discussed whether the new Federal Trade Commission would continue the aggressive role it played during the Biden Administration in restricting business practices seen as exploiting consumers. Pippins said it was likely the FTC would return to a more conventional focus on “bread and butter fraud.”
She added, “The FTC has a history of dealing with true fraud and going after people who are predatory and engaging in true unfair and deceptive behavior — that’ll exist no matter who is at the helm.”
Read the full article (subscription required).