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November 1, 2023

Ep. 2.10: The House Has a New Speaker, But Will Old Conflicts Derail 2024 Spending?

Bona Fide Needs

After weeks of drama and legislative inaction, the House of Representatives finally has a new speaker as Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana unexpectedly rose to the highest office in the chamber. As Congress faces fast-approaching deadlines for fiscal year 2024 appropriations and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), how will Speaker Johnson move this must-pass legislation through a contentious House and Democratic Senate?

In this episode of Bona Fide Needs, Arnold & Porter Partner Mark Epley and Policy Advisor Jessica Monahan discuss how we got here, the prospects for FY24 spending bills and the NDAA, reactions from the Senate, what contractors should be doing, and how the 2024 election may impact further legislation.

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