Sovereign-Side Investment Treaty Arbitration
Arnold & Porter has served as lead counsel in 87 investor-state arbitrations, under a variety of arbitral rules. Across our International Arbitration practice, we have represented 28 sovereign states, securing for them an unparalleled track record of positive results (see our brochure). Further, five states have entrusted us with their first-ever investor-state case, and 12 states have entrusted us to defend them in multiple matters. Our firm has been at the forefront of investor-state arbitration from the very beginning, as one of the firm's founders, Thurman Arnold, was a member of ICSID's very first Panel of Arbitrators, in the 1960s. With this head start, it is no wonder that we have developed one of the world's most active and successful investor-state practices.
Track Record of Success: No other firm has an unparalleled track record of positive rulings on behalf of sovereign states in investment arbitrations.
Trusted Advisers to States Worldwide: Clients have included governments, subdivisions or state-owned entities of Argentina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czechia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Guatemala, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Middle Eastern state, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Slovak Republic, Southeastern European state, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey and Venezuela.
Client Service: With 40+ attorneys across 8 offices in the US, UK, China, and South Korea, and professional fluency in 10 languages, we provide extraordinarily responsive (and user-friendly) client service and support.