Catalogado por Law360 2015 como el "Grupo Medioambiental del Año”, este grupo de ejercicio le ofrece al cliente un acceso inmediato y poco común a profesionales destacados en todos los ámbitos de la legislación medioambiental.
Nos ocupamos de casos que han sentado precedentes legales en todo el país, en tribunales estatales, federales y de apelaciones, incluso el Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos. A título de ejemplo característico: Arnold & Porter ha sido el principal asesor medioambiental de BP en el marco del caso del derrame que se produjo en la plataforma petrolera Deepwater Horizon en el Golfo de México - uno de los procedimientos de partes múltiples más complejo y de mayores consecuencias de la historia del derecho ambiental.
Nos desempeñamos en:
- Litigios y aplicaciones: tenemos una gran experiencia en las aplicaciones civiles y penales en virtud de cada ley federal; la limpieza de sitios contaminados; litigios y procedimientos afines; defensa en eventos catastróficos y gestión de crisis; y demandas de responsabilidad civil por productos tóxicos asociadas con aguas subterráneas, contaminación del aire, sustancias químicas tóxicas, radioactividad, y asuntos de perjuicio público.
- Regulatorio: asesoramos a nuestros clientes en sus obligaciones de cumplimiento basadas en la amplia gama de requisitos ambientales; asistimos en el desarrollo de programas empresariales de cumplimiento; asesoramos en medidas de mitigación de riesgos; identificamos y manejamos problemas en la cadena de suministro de productos; y obtenemos permisos y autorizaciones ambientales para proyectos controversiales.
- Operaciones: nos ocupamos de administrar evaluaciones ambientales, negociamos disposiciones contractuales y permisos para el uso del suelo en proyectos de desarrollo complejos. También asesoramos en aspectos ambientales relacionados con operaciones comerciales de jurisdicciones múltiples.
Los miembros de nuestro equipo han ocupado cargos gubernamentales de alto nivel, tales como: Jefe de la Sección de Aplicación Ambiental del Departamento de Justicia; Abogados Litigantes del Departamento de Justicia; Subsecretario de Recursos Naturales y Medioambiente, USDA; Comisario y Consejero General, Departamento de Conservación del Ambiente, estado de Nueva York; y posiciones de liderazgo EPA relacionadas con la Ley Clean Air, TSCA y FIFRA; y en la actualidad, el Director del Centro Sabin de Cambios Climáticos.
Nos desempeñamos como abogados principales o asesores ambientales internos de empresas líder como Honeywell, BP/ARCO, Whirlpool, Mosaico y PPL; y servimos como abogados externos especial para muchas otras como General Electric, Grupo Chrysler, Texas Pacific, Western Digital, Solutia/Eastman Chemical, Clean Harbors, CSX y SAIC.
Experience Highlights
Atlantic Richfield Company since 1991 in nationwide governmental and private plaintiff litigation asserting public nuisance, class action, economic injury, property damage, and personal injury claims arising from long-ago production of lead pigments formerly used in paints. Won all four cases that have gone to trial, disposed of hundreds more by motion and successfully defended these victories in several federal Courts of Appeal and highest state courts.
BP's primary environmental counsel related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill since 2010. We have been core members of BP's virtual legal team; acted as lead counsel to the incident investigation team; managed the economic claims process; defended BP in citizen action lawsuits; led the company's Natural Resource Damages (NRD) defense; participated as trial counsel in the Clean Water Act penalty phase; participated in the defense of federal government and foreign state actions; and acted as lead counsel on claims related to federal debarment.
BP and ARCO as lead counsel for numerous cases originating on the West Coast involving the gasoline additive MTBE, and served as co-national coordinating counsel in ongoing national MDL proceedings involving MTBE. The proceedings involved nearly one hundred lawsuits and hundreds of parties complaining of groundwater contamination from MTBE. Since 1999, we have successfully resolved all of the West Coast MTBE naming BP or ARCO as a defendant and, during MDL proceedings, we participated actively in developing strategic and tactical priorities for the joint defense group as a whole.
Chemours, as lead environmental counsel, on a range of regulatory, enforcement and litigation matters relating to the presence of chemicals in the Cape Fear River in North Carolina attributable to the client's facility, including a chemical referred to as GenX. We have advised the client on a range of environmental compliance issues, including entering into a Consent Order with the State of North Carolina, resolving the State's claims. We are also advising the client on a range of federal and state environmental issues at other facilities.
Honeywell, as lead toxic tort litigation counsel, in the defense of a consolidated class action and approximately 52 individual toxic tort suits arising out of the presence of PFOA in the groundwater and municipal water supply of Hoosick Falls, New York.
Honeywell in successful defense of a putative toxic tort class action which initially sought medical monitoring and property damage claims related to approximately 135 sites in Jersey City, NJ, allegedly contaminated by chromium.
The Mosaic Company in negotiating a complex settlement with the EPA and DOJ and, as well as with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, to resolve allegations related to Mosaic's compliance with the RCRA at its phosphoric acid and ammoniated fertilizer manufacturing facilities in Florida and Louisiana, and in addressing issues arising under that settlement.
Whirlpool Corporation, as lead counsel, in two mass tort alleged "cancer cluster" cases involving several dozen of the company's plants. These actions included wrongful death claims for allegedly causing multiple cases of childhood cancers in the communities as well as property damage claims. The cases were dismissed with prejudice.
Wolverine World Wide, Inc. in three federal putative class action tort lawsuits and more than 200 individual personal injury and property damage lawsuits arising from the alleged presence of PFAS in drinking water in the vicinity of Rockford, Michigan.
BP in over a dozen novel climate change lawsuits filed by state and local governments including in California, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Washington, and by a fishermen's trade association. The plaintiffs allege that greenhouse gas-driven sea level rise is currently damaging their coastal communities and civil infrastructures.
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